The Tragedy of a Life of Abandonment
Emerson believed in the happenings of our lives to take place in the metaphorical character of a circle, to which there is always an inevitable tie of sorts to which connects the ends and the beginnings of our experiences. We leave home to grow into new surroundings and out of old friends, we go to universities to grow into new understandings and out of old trivalent thought, we grow into new lovers and out of old comforts, we grow out of the places and the people that make them and we inevitably begin to grow into ourselves. Our lives are inherently made up of the collection of things in which…
SRU Ethics Bowl
Developed by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE), an ethics bowl is a collegiate competition in which teams of 3-5 students debate complex and important ethical issues. Please get in touch with the Philosophy department if you’re interested in participating.